Page history
last edited
by YvesHanoulle 4 months, 2 weeks ago
- Carrie Driscoll
- Christophe Keromen
- Damon Poole
- Dov TSAL (English, French, Hebrew, smiling, body language, sound-effects)
- Ellen Grove ,
- Erik Talboom (Dutch, English)
- Ilan Kirschenbaum
- Inge Gorgon (Dutch, English)
- Irène Doan (French)
- Jesus Mendez (French, English, Spanish)
- Joseph Hershey (English)
- Jurgen De Smet (Dutch, English, French,German)
- Kero Van Gelder (Dutch)
- Marcin Floryan (Polish, English)
- Martin Heider (German, English)
- Mei Lim (English)
- Oana Juncu (French, English)
- Omar C. Bermudez (French, English, Spanish)
- Patrice Boisieau
- Rachel Dubois (French, English)
- Yves Hanoulle (Dutch, French, English, Bodylanguage)
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