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Kata 4

This version was saved 11 years, 8 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by YvesHanoulle
on February 8, 2013 at 8:22:33 pm

Alain is an IT person who is very enthusiastic about Agility, he decided to make every project Agile.

Its development teams are also on board and motivated to do Scrum. They have good experience in Agile past lives. To implement the project the identified PO is Mireille. She is a Business Analyst in the organization MOA (independent from IT). It has been said that Agile must provide specifications as simple user stories. It suits him, a priori, but in fact it is not very clear: it means "simple"? She has other responsibilities outside of her role as PO. She does not understand how to have visibility on the scope of the application to develop and can not give priorities without prior notice business managers; Suddenly everything is a priority.

The development team believes that Users Stories are not enough well-written, and Mireille is frustrated because that what is shown at the demo only works half, the development team accuses her back that the acceptance test are not provided, user stories are unclear and puts the sprints at risk...


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